Japan Month Event at Ranaghat Friends Club Karate Acedemy

On August 23rd, the Kyu Gradation Test in Ranaghat Friend’s Club Karate Academy was concluded with remarkable success, and the exemplary performance of every student filled us with immense pride. The ongoing success of the “Japan Month” Celebration fuels our determination to forge ahead with even greater resolve.

Notably, we are dedicated to addressing concerns regarding the safety of our female students by equipping them with self-defence skills and empowering them to safeguard themselves.

Special thanks to Embassy of Japan in India

Authorised by: IKO World Zen-Kyokushin

Supported by: All India Kyokushin Karate Association – AIKKA

Under Supervision Shihan MahadebBramha

Examiner: Sensei Vidhan Bramha

Asst Examiner: Senpei Swastik Dey, Senpei Subhashis Halder & Senpei Tania Bramha

Supporting staff: Senpei Sahil, Senpei Joyjeet, Senpei Rhit, Senpei Ratan (Mistry), Senpei Ratan (Sarkar)

